Friday, September 21, 2012

Saving Memories

An aspect of Decorus that we have not talked much about is what we call Saving Memories. This is a service where we take old and unusable furniture and turn it into new or modified pieces. For example: Let's say that you have an old chair that is falling apart or just not functional, but you want to save it for sentimental reasons. It could be a chair that's been in your family for years, or simply your favorite chair growing up. Whatever the reason, you don't want to part with it, yet at the same time don't know what to do with it. What we do is take that chair and build a new piece of furniture out of its wood. That piece could be a picture frame, an end table, a new chair, whatever you want. By using our Saving Memories services, you are able to preserve a meaningful piece of your past, while at the same time giving it new life and purpose.

An example of Saving Memories is our Rustic Table. The table top is an old door that came from a building in Downtown New Cumberland, PA. As the building underwent major renovations, the door was taken down, saved from the dump, and then given to us. And now, whenever someone comments on or asks about the table, there is a whole history to it that can be shared with them. 

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